Thursday, August 1, 2024

the idea

the idea is fantastical
a strange fantasy
an illogical make believe
a made up string
a fleeted fling

the idea remains an idea
suppressed down below
swimming to the surface
destroy it, save my face
leave it without a trace

teaching the mirror
if only mirrors could talk
then i might not be so alone
trapped in my own thoughts

"make it make sense" 
the undertones of those beatings
i surrender and i accept my loss
now stop filling the space of my reasonings

let me sleep
and let me be in peace

Sunday, June 9, 2024

making my bed

i am guilty of lost hope
of broken promises
of forgotten dreams
of unintentional oath
one step a mistake
two steps too late
unity was a lie
of what's left unsaid

the guilt is creeping up on me
i hope you found peace
i hope your blood kin never encounter those of me
some deserves better
and some couldn't be better

forgive me
i'm trying to forgive myself

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

the pathological grief

i grieved in my sleep
tears swelled over closed eyelids
they came unannounced, the scenes of the deep
from the past to the future, the pangs still hit
even in dreams i am yet to get over it
sometimes dreams are the realities, and the reality is just something you dream of ?