Friday, September 8, 2017

Crutches for the crippled heart

And she says
If the heart can walk, then i must be crippled

Partial of a whole

I am talking but i am mute
I can hear though i am deaf
I see yet i am blind
I feel but my heart stopped beating
I'll show u whats inside cos i can barely speak it
Show u what is whole tho there is nothing whole about it

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Random blabbers

Sometimes, i read my own blog
Like i read back and relieved those moments and how it made me write certain things
Sometimes i'm even shocked at my own writing
Like what is this masterpiece

I read back and be that girl again

Sometimes i have too jumbled up thoughts
And sometimes i dont feel like thinking at all
Its like i cant process my thoughts into words
Like you want to get past this loud silence inside your head
And yet nothing comes out of it

I am so far and nowhere near